
Sunday, September 12, 2010

Jumping back in

Hi, I'm back! I won't bore you with explanations as to why I dropped off the blogosphere. Suffice it to say that I am not a true blogger. I have no future as as blook-writer or anything else impressive growing out of my musings. I am unreliable as a blogger; I get caught completely caught up in living my busy life.
Which brings us to today -- a Sunday evening. I used to haaaate Sunday evenings. I'd be anxious about the week ahead, and filled with self-loathing for not getting my life into perfect order by Sunday eve. It's less traumatic for me now. My job, while stressful, is far less so than the one I used to have. My children aren't so young anymore, and so, not so dependent on me for every little thing. I also have completely lowered by expectations about what can and cannot and what should and should not be accomplished in a weekend.

1 comment:

Can do mom said...

Hi Wendy!
It's nice to see you on your blog again. Life has a way of doing that - we never know what waits around the next corner, do we?

I can relate to your Sunday evening doldrums. I frequently feel that way too.

Hope to see more of you here!