
Monday, January 20, 2014

Knantucket Kniece Knitting

I have a brother who lives on Nantucket.  We are not particularly close, and I have never been to Nantucket.
Sounds like a limerick, doesn't it?

"The closest  I've been to Nantucket
  (by ferryboat, since you can't truck it,)
  was just out of reach
  on Hyannis beach
  but it's on my list labeled 'Bucket'."

There.  I made it through without using any unsavory words.  (But if I made you think them, I'm sorry.)

I have another brother who is working out on Martha's Vineyard, building a house, but that's another story.  (....and besides, what rhymes with vineyard?)

Well, NanBro is expecting a daughter sometime in February.  Now, I have just done a tally of sorts.
Between us, my husband and I have 8 siblings, 7 of whom have had children.  As it turns out, this new niece will be a tie-breaker.  Right now, we have 8 nieces and 8 nephews.
I have never knitted anything for a new baby.  That's right, never!  (What?!)

Let 2014 be the year that changes.